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Auszeichnung IPG High Achiever 2005: Maurizio Gasperi und VP Michael Hoffmann
Auszeichnung IPG High Achiever 2005: Maurizio Gasperi und VP Michael Hoffmann

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"Linked in"-Profil. Ein kleiner Auszug davon:

"Maurizio has always been a top achiever with high degree of knowledge and commitment. He played a superb role in establishing a model for business development in EMEA and coaching the junior people. He also very proactive and open to investigate new business oppotunities. Last but not least his multicultural background makes him the ideal candidate for EMEA wide roles." (Antonio Donadoni, Kunde)

"I had the pleasure of working together with Maurizio. He has a fantastic vision and great understanding of all business needs and new business opportunities. Also, he is very creative and a joy to work with. I found Maurizio to be extremely customer oriented and results driven. He is a highly trustworthy and dedicated person. I can certainly recommend him not only for his knowledge, experience and expertise but also for his sense of humour and ability to help." (Lars R. Vadjina, Projekt Manager, HP Germany)

"Maurizio manages his EMEA business with a very good mix of motivation, business acumen, structure and pragmatism. I've much appreciated working with him, thanks to his constructive attitude and ongoing positivism. His responsibility is very challenging, it requires a through understanding of the complex structure hp operates in. He puts continous energy in driving the countries and influencing HQ whilst keeping all aligned. He accomplishes this in an excellent manner, he's a great business driver!" (Serge Autrique, Business Unit Manager, Imaging / Printing, Hewlett-Packard)

"I had the pleasure to work with and manage Maurizio for almost 3 years. I am happy to recommend him as an asset for any organization. Maurizio has incredible visioning and creativity skills complemented with both a 'can-do' attitude and an operational sawyness that helps him get his ideas moving and achieve the objectives and result set forward. Great addition to any team that wants to get results!" (Aldo Cabrini, Marketing Director, Hewlett-Packard)

Auszug von Referenzen (14.9.2015) im LinkedIn-Profil
Auszug von Referenzen (14.9.2015) im LinkedIn-Profil


Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle

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Maurizio Gasperi ist Keynote-Speaker bei der 10th Global Conference on Bank Guarantees: "Trends and Changes in Commodity Flows"



Maurizio Gasperi

Fon: 07483 9289953
Mobil: 01520 9868591


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